apple-icon J. McKenzie Hansen

Reflection 1

coffee, laptop, and notebook

Tuesdays and Thursdays require coffee, Chromebook, and reviewing notes.

My first week in the IT Minor program went better than expected!

I was fortunate to come in possessing some basic computer knowledge and communication skills so, I was not completely afraid when I walked into the lab on the first day. I was very intimidated about the time of class because I have a hard time keeping focused and being in the same place for very long. That quickly changed, however, since we move classrooms and have a “new” instructor for every session. It is like three classes in one, so the time is no longer a concern for me.

I enjoyed the “lectures” that Thomas and Daniel have given us so far and the activities that Cheryl has made us do! The lectures and activities have all been fun and interesting, but last Thursday’s lectures were very interesting to me, especially Daniel’s because it was about file management and I LOVE organization!

My expectations for the class are pretty simple. I really just want to get the basic skills for developing a website and database–which I understand we will start doing next semester. I have already started learning HTML, due to my boyfriend being a programmer, but I just have the basics down. And, I also want to polish up my presentation skills and communications skills. I think they are really good already (if I say so myself), but I would like to make them phenomenal!!! But I guess my ultimate goal for the program is to be able to develop a website.

I am really looking forward to this program. I really enjoyed my first week and I am hooked on learning a lot about technology and basic soft skills. I explore / read Thomas’ website almost every day and I review the notes that I take in class–just so I keep it fresh on my mind.

I am ready to continue learning a lot from all three of you over the next year or so!