apple-icon J. McKenzie Hansen

Class Stuff

Introduction to Adobe Fireworks

To start off our second semester with Thomas, we started messing with Adobe Fireworks. I feel like I had an advantage with working with this program, because I use (and love) Adobe Photoshop. Fireworks is very similar to Photoshop, but it is so much easier. The main thing that stuck out to me with Fireworks […]

To the Moon, We Go!

On Thursday, January 12th, Cheryl made us do an activity with our new teams. We had to rank a list of items that we needed in order to survive in space. The rankings were from 1 to 15 (1 being most important and 15 being least important).  We had to do it individually and then […]

Usability Testing

Usability testing is done for very good reasons–such as, that it helps the developers of the website to know if their website is accessible and navigable. Some observations that I noticed yesterday while watching the usability test is that it is a very formal process, which it should be. It was also nice to hear […]

Time Management Activity

My group did really well in this activity. We came up with a terrific plan to help us make sure that we finished the activity in the time that we said. We said that we could do all of this in two minutes–but we were not striving for two minutes, we wanted it to be […]

Marshmallow Tower Challange

Was there a leader in your group?   Who was it and who decided who the leader would be? If you had no leader, do you think having designated someone a leader would have helped? How helpful was everyone on your team in the process of building the tallest structure?  Did anyone appear to be […]

Hello World!