apple-icon J. McKenzie Hansen

Time Management

Newspaper Bridge

On February 9th, Cheryl made us do this activity where we had to build a bridge out of newspaper. My team and I were very anxious to build the best bridge and win the challenge, because we haven’t won yet. For our bridge, I was the one that came up with the original idea, but […]

Time Management Activity

My group did really well in this activity. We came up with a terrific plan to help us make sure that we finished the activity in the time that we said. We said that we could do all of this in two minutes–but we were not striving for two minutes, we wanted it to be […]

Time Management Assignment

On Tuesday we were asked to create a to do list of all of the stuff that we wanted to accomplish the next day and then to keep a record of what was actually done. Here was my to do list: Read chapter 5 before class-History to 1877 Work (8:00-10:00, 3:30-7:00) Do discussions for World […]